If you have received a bonus from Cantex within the last two years, you are likely owed more money.
Sanford Law Firm will give you a free and confidential evaluation of your claims against Cantex.
As a nurse, you probably have received several bonuses as incentives to work overtime or extra shifts. But did you also get paid the correct rate for your overtime hours? We have seen paystubs that indicate the answer is No. We currently have a claim against Cantex for paying less than the bonus-adjusted, correct rate for time and a half for overtime
We see this form of wage theft in the healthcare industry all the time. If you are working over 40 hours, you need to be paid time and a half. Providing bonuses doesn’t exempt your employer from providing you with adequate pay for all the time you worked. Nurses do work that is way too valuable to be taken advantage of like this. Our client understood their worth as a worker and as a person and is now making sure they receive the pay they deserve.
If you’re reading this and wondering if you are entitled to money, submit your contact information below. We will call you, get all the facts, and let you know whether you have a legitimate claim. Not convinced? Ask us any questions you may have through the contact form or at 501-221-0088.

Sanford Law Firm
10800 Financial Centre Pkwy
Suite 510, Little Rock, AR 72211
Email: josh@sanfordlawfirm.com
Josh Sanford, Responsible Attorney