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You’ve potentially lost $100s by having your hours rounded.

We’re suing Evergreen Packaging for consistently rounding their employees’ time worked in Evergreen’s favor.
Rounding in both your favor and your employer’s is not illegal. However, we’ve seen paystubs that show consistent rounding in Evergreen’s favor. This is not okay. You’re spending time working and you’re not getting paid for it! It may seem like only a few minutes a day, but over time you could be losing $100s.
We’re suing Evergreen Packaging to recover unpaid wages for workers like you. You need to know if you’re owed money to make the first step in recovering it. Having your paystubs evaluated is 100% free and confidential with Sanford Law Firm. Finding out if your rights have been violated should never cost you.
If you’ve worked at Evergreen Packaging in the last 2 years and you have seen rounding in your paychecks, we want to talk to you. The longer you wait, the more money you lose. You deserve to know the truth about your paychecks.

Sanford Law Firm
10800 Financial Centre Pkwy
Suite 510, Little Rock, AR 72211