Do the hours you actually worked at Georgia Pacific match the hours on your paycheck? You may have had your hours rounded down.

We have sued Georgia Pacific for rounding down their employees’ time. We call this wage theft.
Having your time rounded down in your employer’s favor can take $100s off your paychecks a year, if not more. You know you worked that time and you deserve to be paid for it. Want a free copy of our lawsuit against Georgia Pacific? You deserve to know what’s going on at your job. Fill out the form below to receive a copy at no cost to you.
Having a job is a give-and-take relationship. Your employer takes your time and gives you money. When your paycheck doesn’t equal the amount of time you put in, it’s entirely reasonable to feel disrespected. Even if it is just a few minutes each shift, don’t let this slide. That time adds up. Don’t stand by while your employer takes advantage of your hard work.
Several of your coworkers have decided to stand up for their wage rights and get the money Georgia Pacific owed them. If you look at your paycheck and don’t trust the numbers on them, have them evaluated! We have a team of professionals ready to check your paychecks and answer your questions. Fill out the form below to have your paychecks evaluated or to ask us any questions. You can also reach out to us at 501-443-4941.

Sanford Law Firm
10800 Financial Centre Pkwy
Suite 510, Little Rock, AR 72211
Email: josh@sanford_42hp8l