Are you reporting all the hours you work to Kids for the Future?
Working off the clock is illegal. But you’re not to blame.
Working as a mental health professional, you’ve probably come to understand that not being paid for charting, meetings, or travel is an industry-standard. Guess what? That’s totally illegal. All that unreported time has probably cost you $100s!
Your profession is to help others. This is incredibly important work that you deserve to be paid for. Not just face-to-face time with clients. One of your coworkers is taking a stand against unpaid wages. It’s time for you to take the necessary steps to find out if you’re owed money.
You know when your paychecks look off. Having your paystubs reviewed by professionals can help answer whether your rights were violated and how much money is possibly missing. This process is 100% free and confidential. Still not sure? Call us at 501-443-4941 or fill out the form below to ask any questions.

Sanford Law Firm
10800 Financial Centre Pkwy
Suite 510, Little Rock, AR 72211
Email: josh@sanford_42hp8l