Why does your job only pay you for session time when the law says you have to be paid for all of the hours you work? Because they refuse to pay you for charting, you’re owed back wages!
Work includes all time spent charting, filling out paperwork, attending meetings, emailing, and doing other administrative work.
We’ve seen this violation happen very often with mental health professionals. Interfacing with your patients is a large part of your job, but it isn’t all you do. The law says you must be paid for all your work. Sanford Law Firm stands up for the rights of mental health professionals.
You could be losing $1,000s because you’re working for free. Illegally. Don’t let your boss take advantage of you, especially in a job where you serve people who need your help.
You understand people and how to help them. We understand the law, so let us help you! There’s no commitment when you reach out to get an evaluation. It’s free and confidential. You don’t pay us. You understand confidentiality and so do we. You can be in the know about how your wage rights are being violated.
If you’re still not sure if you have a claim, talk to a trusted expert and find out!

Sanford Law Firm
10800 Financial Centre Pkwy
Suite 510, Little Rock, AR 72211
Email: josh@sanfordlawfirm.com
Josh Sanford, Responsible Attorney