Your off-the-clock work means $100s in unpaid wages.

This is illegal. You deserve to be paid for every minute you work.
Working through your lunch break or continuing to work after your shift ends leads to $100s lost from your paychecks. Don’t let any employer keep the money you worked for. The law is very clear in stating that all work must be paid for. You deserve your full paycheck.
We’re suing Vestas to get unpaid wages back for employees like you. Find out if you’re owed money too by filling out the form below or calling us at 501-443-4941. Our evaluations are 100% free and confidential. Learning your rights should never cost you money. This is the first step in standing with your coworkers and having a voice at work.
If you’ve worked at Vestas in the last 2 years and you’ve worked off-the-clock, we want to talk to you. You may be owed money and we want to help you get it back.

Sanford Law Firm
10800 Financial Centre Pkwy
Suite 510, Little Rock, AR 72211