Are valuable minutes being taken off your timecard every day? Your paycheck should be bigger.
We’ve sued Williams RDM for rounding. You deserve to know if you are a victim of illegal rounding.
You could be losing $100s a year by having your time rounded down. You might be telling yourself it’s just a few minutes here and there, but these minutes add up to a lot of money. You work hard and deserve your full paycheck. We can send you a free copy of our lawsuit against Williams RDM, so you know what’s going on at your job. Fill out the form below to receive your free copy.
When you look at your paychecks, you can tell if you haven’t been paid the right amount. We have professionals ready to look at your paystubs and tell you whether Williams RDM has taken money from you. This process is free and confidential. To get your free evaluation, you can fill out the form below or call us at 504-443-4941.
You work too hard to lose even a few minutes of your pay. You’ve given your hard work. It’s time for Williams RDM to give you the correct pay. One of your coworkers has already stood up for themselves to get money and justice. Find out if you can get yours too by reaching out to us.

Sanford Law Firm
10800 Financial Centre Pkwy
Suite 510, Little Rock, AR 72211
Email: josh@sanford_42hp8l